The lack of a room designated for creativity leads to the dinner table being the main table used for sewing.
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Brigitte exits the story after purchasing cloth material to make a bag to place her head gear in.
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Brigitte Lee returns to Joanne Fabrics for a second time after finding an extra $20 bill in her pocket.
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Brigitte reclaims a long lost photograph of her grandmother, Mary, and grandfather, Alex, which she holds dear to her heart. Surprisingly, this image almost ended up in the garbage.
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Brigitte models her recent project of head gear for children ice skating.
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The only heat source in the house.
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The 10-year-old log cabin experiences another fall season.
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Sewing is not a neat trade. Clutter adds to the success of a project.
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The Guard is a head guard meant to protect the backs of children’s heads from full impact to the ice.
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Time, future; time, clock; time, imminent.
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Brigitte looks on during a fitting.
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Her first premier for her handmade crafts.
Copyright 2014-15, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University.